Carolina Lino Yoga

A practical guide to starting to meditate

16 February 2022

A practical guide to starting to meditate
A practical guide to starting to meditate

What is meditation?

In the middle of the daily hustle and bustle, we need to pause and pay attention to our bodies' cries for help. Among professional duties, household chores, marital demands, and children, our bodies feel tired and weak, but we insist on carrying on. Stop, listen, and act. Have you ever thought that instead of intoxicating your body with a pill to make you feel good and relax, you may have a healthy, intimate, and free alternative? Meditation.

Meditation is a simple process that means being able to observe the mind rather than trying to control it. It’s connecting with your inner self and learning to recognize your feelings, beliefs, and thoughts, which will enable you to make wiser decisions throughout your life.
You can start meditating for 5 minutes, with or without assistance, although at an early stage it is advisable to have some kind of guidance.

The benefits of this practice are many, such as reducing anxiety levels, depression, and stress. It helps to improve our emotions positively since it activates the left prefrontal cortex, which is connected to positive information.
Not only do we learn to control our brain better, but we also learn how to rest it to get more refreshing sleep. We will also have greater control over our actions in stressful situations and react proactively. Regular practice also increases self-perception of the body and its energy.

Follow the steps and start meditating today! Start slowly and gradually.

Get ready to meditate

Start by turning off the television, putting your cell phone on silent mode, and choosing a quiet place.
Wear comfortable clothes to feel more relaxed during practice.
To be more relaxed, you can use candles, burn incense, play meditation music, or even try guided meditation, which we'll talk about shortly.

Find a quiet place

You can meditate anywhere, but a space prepared for it helps with concentration.
Choose a calm and peaceful place with good vibes, free from outside disruptions and interruptions. Choose a time, knowing that you won’t be distracted, to be fully committed.

Choose a comfortable position

You have the option of sitting on a chair, a yoga mat, or a pillow on the ground.
Position yourself so that your back is straight, without any physical discomfort. You can
choose to cross your legs (sukhásana) or even lie on your back. Your hands should be
next to your body if you choose to lie down. If you decide to sit, place your right hand on your left (Shiva mudrá).

Focus on your breathing

Breathing is the main basis of meditation, but you can also focus on your own physical
feelings or an image.
Inhale, feeling the air enter your nostrils. Hold for a moment before exhaling. Then try
releasing the air like a sigh, focusing your attention on each part of the body that moves, bringing feelings of peacefulness.
If you choose an image, you can picture it mentally and keep your mind focused. If you
are distracted, focus on it again as soon as you realize you've been unfocused.

Notice your thoughts and feelings

During meditation, it's normal for random thoughts to cross your mind, causing you to
experience various emotions. When this happens, return to watching your breathing
without criticizing or naming it. It is critical that you accept and observe your thoughts,
but not become tied to them. Think of your breath as your haven, where you always
return when you get lost.

"The mind is everything. What you think you become."